Today I read

10 Apr 2020


Similar to The Wolf Report đŸș but with different intent. It's the list of cool articles/websides I stumbled upon on a given day so I can easily find them.


Conditionally specify a property in an ARM template
Restrict access to static website hosted on azure storage to intended users
Tutorial: Configure HTTPS on an Azure CDN custom domain - candidate for blog post
Set up the Standard rules engine for Azure CDN - candidate for blog post
FIDO Alliance - Open Authentication Standards More Secure than Passwords
Markdown Preview Enhanced
Outlook Meeting Invitations Deleted After Accepted


Post-Incident Review on the Atlassian April 2022 outage
GitHub > JavaScript Engine Switcher
Secure Code Warrior
Run Docker in WSL (Windows 10/11) without Docker Desktop
How we build microservices locally, scaling docker-compose
The ThrottleStop Guide (2022): How to Lower Temperatures, Increase Performance and Boost Battery Life - good read on how to improve the reliability of the gaming laptops that have thermal throttling issues
Jaeger: open source, end-to-end distributed tracing
Process Monitor - advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity
Microsoft identity platform authentication flows & app scenarios
Turn your expertise into revenue with online courses
Sell anything - Video lessons. Monthly subscriptions. Physical products. Whatever! Gumroad was created to help you experiment with all kinds of ideas and formats.
Diigo - Better reading and research with annotation, highlighter, sticky notes, archiving, bookmarking & more.
Readwise - Get the most out of what you read
Vulnerability scanning for Docker local images
Connecting PowerShell to SQL Server
Microsoft best practices - Azure resources naming conventions - potential candidate for repost
How to check progress of DBCC SHRINKFILE? - candidate for repost
List all indexes in SQL Server database - candidate for repost
SQL Server: How to track progress of CREATE INDEX command? - candidate for repost
See the query being executed by sql session - candidate for repost
sql server invalid object name - but tables are listed in SSMS tables list - candidate for repost
Milliseconds value are not getting saved in SQL Server DateTime column - candidate for repost
SQL Server Backup, Integrity Check, and Index and Statistics Maintenance - candidate for repost
Generating SQL Backup Script for Tables & Data from any .NET Application using SMO
Overview of the Shrink TempDB database in SQL Server
Difference between Full backup and Copy-only full backup
INIT and NOT INIT on a copy only backup
How to Fix “Server is not configured for DATA ACCESS” in SQL Server
What Is hiberfil.sys and How Do I Delete It?
Understanding Thread Starvation in .NET Core Applications
What are managed identities for Azure resources? - need to rewatch this
Copying signals and dashboards using seqcli templates
applicationhost.config file path in IIS 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5 and IIS 10? - candidate for repost
Remove large .pack file created by git
CSS Tricks - So, You Want to Build an @mention Autocomplete Feature?
CSS Tricks - A Utility Class for Covering Elements
CSS - Frosted glass credit card
How I structure my React /TS applications (2021)
5 Github Projects Essential For Every Aspiring Javascript Developer
Book > Object Design—Rebecca Wirfs-Brock and Alan McKean - revisit this
Book > The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP) by Donald E. Knuth - revisit this
Book > Debugging CSS - revisit this
Book > Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters - revisit this
Turn your analyses into high quality documents, reports, presentations and dashboards. - notebook format based on markdown - need to revisit this How to fix inconsistent line endings for whole VS solution?
How Duck Typing Benefits C# Developers
Duck casting in C# with Impromptu Interface, example with ASP.NET Core
MediatR: how to use Decorators to add retry policies
Rules to Better Email - candidate for repost
SSW Rules - candidate for repost
How I manage my LaTeX lecture notes - candidate for blog post
AirSpeeder - Flying cars racing - Cool thing Telstra Purple supports
Time for Next-Gen Codecs to Dethrone JPEG
Data Protection key management and lifetime in ASP.NET Core
An introduction to the Data Protection system in ASP.NET Core
Deployment of Azure Data Factory with Azure DevOps
Troy Hunt - IoT Unravelled Part 1: It's a Mess... But Then There's Home Assistant - revisit this
16 Open Source Cloud Storage Software for Linux in 2020
Nicholas Blumhardt - Bootstrap logging with Serilog + ASP.NET Core
Telstra Purple - How we sped up an ASP.NET Core endpoint from 20+ seconds down to 4 seconds
GitHub - Json serialization very slow with large files when using AddNewtonsoftJson
Serialize an object to an url encoded string in C#
How do I serialize an object into query-string format?


How to make a pretty prompt in Windows Terminal with Powerline, Nerd Fonts, Cascadia Code, WSL, and oh-my-posh
Wrap elements by column: 1-3-5-7, 2-4-6-8
.NET client libraries for AzureDevOps
AzureDevOps api client package
Current Directory For Windows Service Is Not What You Expect
AzureDevOps - Define iteration paths and configure team iterations
Service Workers - Practical Guided Introduction (several examples)
.NET Core Worker Services with Application Insights and Serilog
How Yarn Lock Files Work and Upgrading Dependencies
.NET 5 - The breaking changes you need to know about
Customize webpack configuration of React App created with Create-react-app
Web-workers in Create React App (CRA) without unmounting
Workbox 5 + Workbox build + TypeScript SW + Webpack build + Angular app
Customize webpack configuration of React App created with Create-react-app
Should I Move from Evernote to Notion?


Alternative to PlantUML


Editing HTML Like A Boss In VS Code
Learn DaVinci Resolve
Error SQL71624: The permission 'CONNECT' is not valid for the target object 'guest' in Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12
VS Code - Cannot display some emoji



Can MobX be combined with RxJS?
Getting the .NET Core Runtime Version in a Running Application
What is the binary component in LastPass?
Configuring ESLint on a TypeScript project
Snapshot Isolation in SQL Server
Surprises and a Bug with SQL Azure DB
Compare EF Core & EF6
Outlook - Create an email message template
Outlook - Send an email message based on a template
Stanford University's course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI)
Stanford University's online courses
What it takes to be an MVP - from Rahul
A Step-By-Step Guide To Building a Trading Bot In Any Programming Language
1-Line Layouts - candidate for repost
CoinSpot Cryptocurrency Tax Overview
Azure Static Web Apps are Awesome
Dark Ages Of The Web
A brief history of HTML/CSS layouting
Highlights from Git 2.28
Git Pull with Submodule
Figma - Where teams design together
Papertrail - Frustration-free log management
Loggly - Aggregate & analyze logs from any source
Stack Exchange Data Dump
How to identify and resolve SQL Server Index Fragmentation
SQL Server index structure and concepts
Tips and tricks for SQL Server database maintenance optimization
Microsoft SQL Server Express: Version Comparison Matrix and Free Downloads
Is it possible to script a view as a table in SQL Server? - candidate for repost
How To Not Suck At Mentoring
03 08 Eric Evans on the Entity Equality Methods
How to Host a Static Website for Free on Google’s Firebase Hosting Platform


Grid for layout, flexbox for components
An Overview of Scroll Technologies
Ultra high-performance, professional-grade animation for the modern web
Scroll-driven animations re-invented
When Sass and New CSS Features Collide
Things I Wish I’d Known About CSS - good starting point to basic css
Why We Don't Use a CSS Framework - Scott Tolinski, Reactive Conf
Recover lost files on Windows 10
MS Store - Windows File Recovery
The Magical Methods in C#
Visualizing ASP.NET Core endpoints using GraphvizOnline and the DOT language
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20161


C# Language Anonymous type equality
Execute Raw SQL Queries in Entity Framework 6
Assign null to a SqlParameter
Target frameworks in SDK-style projects
C# language versioning
ASPNET Core 3.1 - Attribute routing requirement
Immutability, part 1: Read-only vs. Immutable
ASPNET Core 3.1 - Route constraint reference
RANK (Transact-SQL)
EOMONTH (Transact-SQL)
Generate a set or sequence without loops – part 1 - candidate for repost
Sql Query to generate months and year
SQL Server Indexed Views: The Basics
Create Indexed Views
How to check if a Trigger exists in Sql Server
How can I redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS using an Application Load Balancer?
The Problem with Window Functions and Views
Table-Valued Function(TVF) vs. View
GitHub > cezary piatek > Mapping Generator
The reasons behind why I don't use AutoMapper.
Friends don't let friends use AutoMapper | Andrew Harcourt (Disqus)
The cat sat on the mat.
Stack Mechanics - .NET Software Architecture Workshops - Andrew Harcourt & others as mentors
15 Must-Have Visual Studio Extensions for Developers


Install WSL 2 on Windows 10
Get Certbot
How to Access Linux Files in a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Distro from Windows 10
Azure Web App - Extension-less URL issues
Extensionless Static Files are Very Painful to Configure Under IIS - final fix
Encrypt https domain server with Azure Application Gateway
Automating Azure Application Gateway SSL certificate renewals with Let’s Encrypt and Azure Automation
Azure Application Gateway documentation
PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Create New File
How To Zip Folder on Linux - pretty cool blog btw
Monitoring Linux Processes using Prometheus and Grafana
Chown Command in Linux (File Ownership)
Secure your Custom Domains at no cost with App Service Managed Certificates (preview)
Running Certbot on Windows - Phase 1
Leading free and Open Source multi-platform Deepfakes software.
How to Produce a DeepFake Video in 5 Minutes
First Order Motion Model for Image Animation
Source code for the paper First Order Motion Model for Image Animation
DeepFaceLab - the leading software for creating deepfakes


"CredSSP encryption oracle remediation" error when you try to RDP to a Windows VM in Azure
From Gulp to Webpack
Modifying host headers with Azure websites when using it behind an Application Gateway or reverse proxy via URL Rewrite Module - Candidate for repost
azcopy copy - downloading files from azure blob storage
Series: Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 3.0


AppGet, What Chocolatey wasn’t
The Day AppGet Died
Microsoft copied its new Windows Package Manager from rival AppGet, claims developer
Series: Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app
Building a React Design System
JS - Most efficient method to groupby on an array of objects


Online SVG Path Editor
The Shapes of CSS
Tools to Visualize and Edit SVG Paths (Kinda!)
Working with Shapes in Web Design
Online CSS clip-path maker
CSS Almanac: clip-path
Clipping and Masking in CSS
HTML numbers in Circles (the quick way)
JSFiddle - numbers in circles
Colored Numbered Circles Using Pure CSS & HTML
CodePen - Pure CSS Diamond Shape
How To Import And Export Signatures In Microsoft Outlook? - TLDR %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures
Joining a list of values with table rows in SQL
Table Value Constructor (Transact-SQL)
Fix for Error: "Seq is unavailable. Failed to initialize storage: Primary index is corrupt. The database must be defragmented or the table deleted."


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About SET NOCOUNT
git archive - Create an archive of files from a git repository
Git Archive: How to export a git project


Color Tools For Designers 2019 - good candidate for repost
Typescript : how to loop through enum values
Quick fix for 'unions can't be used in index signatures, use a mapped object type instead'
Checking the type of an object in Typescript: the type guards
Bootstrap - Clearfix
W3C - Clearfix
Edge Surf game
Rehearse your slide show with Presenter Coach


Wake Lock API - Candidate Recommentation
Screen Wake Lock API - W3C Editor's Draft
GitHub > W3C > screen-wake-lock
Devices and Sensors Working Group Implementation and Testing Status
Chromium - Issue 257511: WakeLock API - Screen Lock
Chromium - [wakelock] Mark ScreenWakeLock feature as stable
Chrome Updates Experimental Wake Lock API Support
Screen Wake Lock Demo
Screen Wake Lock Demo 2
Screen Wake Lock Demo 2 - Source Code
Open Broadcaster Software
OBS Studio Quickstart


CKAN, the world’s leading Open Source data portal platform - government public data reporting
5 summer books and other things to do at home
How to use Windows 10’s Quick Assist app for remote PC support
Quick Assist - Solve PC problems over a remote connection
Announcing .NET 5 Preview 4 and our journey to one .NET
What is Common Data Service?
.NET programs in browser
.NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI
Introducing .NET Multi-platform App UI
PowerToys - Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
Windows Package Manager CLI (aka winget)
Automated dependency updates
Codespaces - Your instant dev environment
Visual Studio Codespaces
Windows 10 release information - when you need to check the version/build of the windows 10 you are running
Best Windows Hello Compatible Webcams for Windows 10 Within Budget
Introducing YARP Preview 1
YARP - toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications
Introduction to treat
treat - Themeable, statically extracted CSS‑in‑JS with near‑zero runtime


Monokai Pro for Visual Studio Code
SQL CASE Statement - TODO: create own article about it


Create/Revert database snapshot extension for AzureDataStudio
Hugo Syntax Extension: Revisited
MURAL - digital workspace for visual collaboration - coalborative
Task Manager metrics frozen on Win10
Beyond Compare - the only tool that could handle large file (90MB json) comparison


Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress
“The parameter is incorrect.” error using netsh http add sslcert


Cashing in on the JavaScript Payment Request API
Should You Use HDMI, DisplayPort, or USB-C for a 4K Monitor?
Monzo - Banking made easy
Qapital - Discover true money happiness
Home for Property Research


TypeScript exercises
Are you using SVG favicons yet? A guide for modern browsers. - Diagram generation tool
It's time for you to install Windows Terminal
What's the difference between a console, a terminal, and a shell?
Windows Terminal Themes
Color themes for ConEmu
Windows Terminal


Azure AD B2B vs Azure AD B2C
Set up sign-in with an Azure Active Directory account using custom policies in Azure Active Directory B2C
Restrict new user signups in a Azure B2C tennant to emails from specific domains.
Set up sign-in for a specific Azure Active Directory organization in Azure Active Directory B2C
How do I delete my Azure AD B2C tenant?


VisualStudio Extension - WebCompiler
WebCompiler - Autoprefixer for SASS
WebCompiler - Fails due to Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command npm update caniuse-lite browserslist
VS Code Extension - ARM Template Viewer


VS Code - SCSS IntelliSense
"font-family: monospace, monospace"
Modular SCSS and Why You Need It


Rahul Nath - My YouTube Setup and Workflow
Microsoft Build 2020 registration is not only open, it's FREE, it's LIVE, it's VIRTUAL, and it is all FOR YOU
Rahul Nath - GETTING STARTED WITH CYPRESS.IO - UI End to End Testing


How LinkedIn handles merging code in high-velocity repositories


Select matching element/rename HTML tag in Visual Studio Code
Using Reinforcement Learning in the Algorithmic Trading Problem
AngularJs - How to use replace of directive definition?
AngularJs Component: no template replace option?
: The Shadow DOM Content Placeholder element (obsolete)
Setting Up & Configuring Visual Studio Code
Learn Authentication The Hard Way, with Andrew Best
NDC Sydney 2016 - Modern Authentication - Rob Moore
OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice


Building The New Facebook With React and Relay - facebook implementation of css-in-js
Dissection of COVIDSafe (Android)
Hacker News
Implementing Skeleton Screens In React


CodePen - css svg spinner
Keep your dev loop as short as possible with Sql Server Snapshots
Cannot restore SQL Server snapshot


TypeScript With Babel: A Beautiful Marriage
Karma docs - Preprocessors
GitHub - Karma Chrome Launcher
GitHub - Karma SourceMap Loader
GitHub - Karma Webpack plugin
GitHub - Karma Spec Reporter
Github - Chalk - color console plugin
Github - Webpack ng-annotate loader
How can I get a list of passing tests from karma runner suite?
How to uninstall npm modules in node js?
VS Code docs - jsconfig.json
Make VS code read webpack.config and recognize path with alias?
Solve Module Import Aliasing for Webpack, Jest, and VSCode


Migrate from ASP.NET Core 2.2 to 3.0
Migrate from ASP.NET Core 2.2 to 3.0 - MVC Service Registration
Migrate from ASP.NET Core 3.0 to 3.1
Migrate Authentication and Identity to ASP.NET Core
Autofac - ASP.NET Core 3.0+ and Generic Hosting
Entity Framework Core tools reference - .NET CLI


Google's common Java, C++ and JavaScript library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers


Sql Server Snapshots
Visual Studio Code - Migrating from ReSharper
Resharper 9 Key Bindings fo VS Code
RazorLight Partial views
Using Razor outside of MVC in .NET Core
Simple replacement for RazorLight in .NET Core 2.0
Rendering Emails with RazorViewEngine in .NET Core 2.0
Integration tests with ASP.NET Core causes missing references from Razor files
Building String Razor Template Engine with Bare Hands (.NET Core)
RazorEngineCore - ASP.NET Core 3.1.1 Razor Template Engine
Example Razor Page Generator - taken from This issue discussion


AngularJS: template vs templateUrl
Front-End Challenges
Strapi, another use case: Build your own API from any website with Puppeteer


Fancy Forms in React with Reactstrap
→ Fancy Form Example
Create React App - Setting Up Your Editor
Prettier - Ignore
ESLint - Ingore
Everyauth vs Passport.js?
Mobx-React Store injectiong
Mobx - [Question] How to get typesafe injection
Mobx - Mobx-React does not work with React.CreateContext


MVPs and $100k AWS Bills: Reflections on the launch of Octopus Cloud 1.0
Why we chose Kubernetes, Linux, and .NET Core for Octopus Cloud
Lessons learned porting Octopus Server to .NET Core 3.1
A security review of 1,300 AppStore applications


Git submodules
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial


From 48k lines of code to 10—the story of GitHub’s JavaScript SDK
Tools for Consistent JavaScript Code Style - place where you can build your own library of reusable components

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.