Feature driven architecture reading list

08 May 2016


List of articles, videos and repositories related to feature driven architecture

Jimmy Bogard blog post: NDC talk on SOLID in slices not layers

Jimmy Bogard vimeo: SOLID Architecture in Slices not Layers

Jimmy Bogard blog post: CQRS with MediatR and AutoMapper

Jimmy Bogard blog post: Tackling cross-cutting concerns with a mediator pipeline

Jimmy Bogard blog post: A better domain events pattern

Jimmy Bogard blog post: Validation inside or outside entities?

Jimmy Bogard blog post: Combating the lava-layer anti-pattern with rolling refactoring

Jimmy Bogard github repository: MediatR

Andrew Harcourt github repository: Mediator implementation from DDD Brisbane 2015 talk

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.